Hooray! Thank you for signing up.
There should be a confirmation email on its way to you.
How about you add the dates to your diary right now?
– Monday 9th May – 7pm UK (GMT+1)
– Tuesday 10th May – 10am UK (GMT+1)
– Thursday 12th May – 1pm UK (GMT+1)
If you’re a GoogleCal user, you can add the dates to your calendar right away by clicking this link, and if you use iCal or another online calendar, this link should do the trick. If you’re unable to join me live, I’ll share the recording with you afterwards.
If, for any reason, you don’t receive an email, please be sure to check your spam folders – and if you’re a Gmail user, your updates and promotions tab. If you’re still not seeing it, please email the team at care@katewolf.global for further support!
Share the love!
This will be an adventure worth sharing! If you know someone who would love to join the webinar, do share the signup page with them. The link is here for you: https://www.katewolf.global/gifts
I can’t wait to share this teaching with you! If you have a friend who may benefit from discovering the power of moving through the fear of standing out and claiming the gifts in their sensitivity, why don’t you invite them to come along. You can share this sign up link with them: https://www.katewolf.global/gifts
And, I’d love for you to join me over in our private Facebook community, Highly Sensitive Wildly Successful. It’s a safe, supportive space for brilliantly sensitive business owners who want to stand out in their marketplace and burn bright, without overworking and burning out.

Come and join our group, introduce yourself and share your number one challenge when it comes to showing up and being seen with your sensitive gifts.