It’s time to step into the spotlight and bring your body of work to the world
It’s time to stop letting busy-work get in the way of the important work
It’s time to build a strong, scalable business that gives you more time for fun and adventure.
It’s time to reap the rewards of the courage it took to get this far…
And find the courage for the next iteration of you and your business.
If you’ve been searching for a loving but very practical way to grow your life and business, you have found it!

Mesmerise offers an integrated approach to business growth that puts your uniqueness and your joy at the centre. We do the deep inner work- not to be continually processing but to guide your outer strategy so you are aligned with your essence AND welcoming in more money. Because more money means more impact, more choice, and more adventure! It’s a full year of individualised business mentoring, step-by-step training, live retreats, and Kate’s insights on your growth strategy.
If you’re looking for a brave space where you can play, experiment, explore, and get it wildly wrong so you can get it wildly right in the real world, while being highly profitable with your business dreams in action…
Welcome to Mesmerise!
You will now be supported and loved into success. You have not only Kate but her whole team to be your creative and practical springboard into finding and honing your voice, choosing your right next steps, and reaching wild success. We’ve got your back!

Mesmerise on the Page and Mesmerise on the Stage:
2 x Live two and a half day Retreats:
These are your deep dives into finding and refining your voice – the one that calls to your just right clients.
On the Page: your written voice, story and message for social media, sales copy, newsletters, website, etc.
On the Stage: your spoken voice, story and message (plus tone, timbre, and ability to improvise!) for Facebook Lives, guest podcasting, webinars, being interviewed, and anywhere else you can think of to share your voice!
Finding Flow, Forming Dreams:
Quarterly 1-Day Planning Intensives
Every quarter you will spend a day getting clear on your vision and desires so you have a step-by-step plan for the next 3 months.
These intensives align with the seasons so you connect with the energy of nature and strengthen your ability to bring your creativity into the world with much more ease and confidence. You will know what you need to do, and when you need to do it, in order to bring your dreams to fruition (where they can be enjoyed!)
Energetic Expansion:
Quarterly 3-Hour Workshops
These are extremely enlightening, powerful experiences that support you to access more of who you are – so that you expand beyond your current understanding of what you’re capable of and find yourself taking brave new steps. This embodied process unleashes energy, vitality, and ultimate freedom.
Making the Magic Happen:
Monthly Planning Sessions with Louise Miller
Louise is the kindest productivity mentor in the world…(as far as my research reveals!). She will help you design a calendar to have all the time to grow your business with plenty of time to live a playful, restful and adventurous life.
Deep Rest:
Monthly Rest Sessions with Tanya Forgan
Tanya will guide you into deep, healing, truly restorative rest- essential for all entrepreneurs on a mission. With your sanctuary in place and your body reunited with what it means to feel rested, you will be ready for anything.
Wild Voice Writing Classes:
Monthly Content Creation Calls
In each class, you will experience Kate’s Wild Voice work – her unique technology that gets to the heart of what you really want to say in minutes. In super fast time you will write compelling, magnetic, and truly unique-to-you copy to call your ‘just right’ clients to your business door- and over the threshold.
Business Mentoring:
Monthly Intimate, Small Group Calls
Get all your business questions answered and get crystal clear on your next right steps. Ensure that the actions you are taking are aligned and true to your real desires.
Sacred Listening and Planning:
Weekly Meditations and Quiet Planning Time
Be together with Kate and your community to focus and plan for the week ahead. Start your week in the most positive possible way by tuning into yourself and what’s most important.
Spirited Business Training Library:
Instant, on-the-spot trainings when you need them
Trainings include: Team Work to make the Dream Work, Sales pages that Compel & Convert, The Creativity Cycle, How to use Canva, The Magical Offer Immersion ETC!
Instant Access!
As a Mesmerise client you receive access to the sacred home that is Kate’s private messenger! Send her your questions and she will share her take with you in private, one-to-one, just for you voice notes to move you forward with your business dreams.
This is the kind of support that gets you in action, seen by the right people, heard and received as the real you and welcoming in a cornucopia of dreamboat clients.

Mesmerise was made (lovingly, caringly, daringly) for YOU.
Meet Kate
Kate Wolf is the founder of Spirited Business and creator of StoryMagic and Mesmerise. As a catalyst for creative self-expression, Kate helps highly sensitive entrepreneurs to stop bowing at the altar of What Other People Think and dare to share their own unique voice. It is from this place that they find the work they really came here to do, and the words that sell it. Her lovingly crafted body of work supports business owners to become wildly successful, in ways that allow them to burn bright, not out.
Through Spirited Business and her two signature programmes, Kate weaves together her gifts of deep intuition, storytelling magic, and the practical ability to bring an idea through into a communicable form – all whilst ensuring the process feels joyful and fun.
Kate has spent 7 years ‘in the field’ working with hundreds of brilliantly sensitive business-owners, helping them to trust their ability to communicate, and turning bland or confusing messaging into brands that beam with personality. Kate will help you speak from the heart, with clarity, purpose and concision, articulating the message and offering that will attract your dream clients to your business door. So that you get to both fill up your bank account and feel truly fulfilled.

Meet your Mentors

Louise Miller, Your Productivity Mentor
Louise works with busy, heart-led business owners who want to run a fulfilling business without burning out. Described by her clients as “a soothing balm”, she helps them get stuff done with less stress and more ease, not so they can cram more and more ‘doing’ into their days, but so they can create space for the things they love.
Louise’s first-hand experience of work-related stress and anxiety towards the end of her 15-year career in professional services led her to develop a slower, more mindful approach to getting things done. She’s the calm, kind clarity queen who helps her clients get their great ideas out of their head, notebooks and scribbles and into reality, so they can have fun in their business again.
Louise holds monthly Making the Magic Happen sessions inside Mesmerise to guide you to plan your Life and Business in ways that work for you. She also teaches during the seasonal Finding Flow, Forming Dreams days to support you to map out your business plans for each season.
Tanya Forgan, Your Rest Mentor
Tanya has inspired and empowered thousands of women through her work as a Transformational Mentor, Rest Facilitator and Healer. She believes that every single one of us has innate gifts to share with the world. It is her mission is to help people awaken to their own power, through rest and reclamation and then share it with the world in a way that is unapologetic, authentic and sustainable. Tanya’s speciality is supporting women to create, embody and live in an aligned life of truth, passion and purpose.
Tanya holds the Rest Nest inside Mesmerise. She will guide you to create a sanctuary for yourself that will become your go-to place for letting it all go.

getting clear on your messsage and getting it out in the world gives you back time for rest, play and adventure

Upcoming bonus trainings include:
A place on Kate’s infamous new year retreat
A rhythm and boundaries session with Louise Miller
A three-hour workshop on Empathic Marketing
An Offer Lab session to define your unique methodology
A training on how to craft the flow of launches
The Art of the Uplevel training
If it’s time (perhaps beyond time?!)
to start making real money from work you really love,
then now is the time to step into Mesmerise.

A Reminder Of What’s In Place To Have You Succeed…
- 2 Live Retreats (Value £5,000)
- Quarterly Planning Intensives (Value £1,000)
- Quarterly Energetic Expansion Workshops (Value £1,000)
- Monthly Making the Magic Happen with Louise Miller (Value £2,400)
- Deep Rest sessions with Tanya Forgan (Value £800)
- Monthly Wild Voice Content Creation (Value £3,600)
- Monthly Business Mentoring (Value £7,200)
- Weekly Sacred Listening and Sacred Planning (Value £2,500)
- Spirited Business Training Library (Value £5,000)
- Instant Access to Kate (Value Priceless)
- Live trainings on empathic marketing, etc… (Value £3,000)
- The new year retreat, Completing 2022 and Welcoming 2023 (Value £195)
Total value:
Over £30,000
(Don’t worry. You won’t pay this much. Let’s talk to see if the program is right for you. Click here to book a complimentary call with me.)
Check out these success stories from inside Mesmerise…
Tanya… raised her prices, created her first group program – and sold it out!
Mary… stopped working on Fridays, started an interview series and re-found the fun inside her business.
Maggie… found her voice as a teacher of Northern Shamanism, honed in on who exactly she wanted to work with as a Coach and immediately attracted new on-the-nail ideal clients.
What are Mesmerise clients saying?…
‘I love the integrated approach to business in Mesmerise that insists we prioritise our joy, pleasure, self-care and sense of adventure. As transformational change makers we are are here to lead with a full cup, there no ‘saving others’ anywhere in sight’
‘Being able to show up completely as I am – and to be able to do this whilst working on my business when this normally only happens in a course where you’re working on yourself is incredibly freeing and I think crucial to really and truly removing blocks and barriers. And – all the practical training is shit-hot smart, savvy and on the money as well!
Total win win!’
‘The work you have done, not just for me, but for us as a group, it blows my mind how you do it. Every single one of us has this magical, beautiful essence that is so different to the next one. And I’m tearful when I say that. I’m very, very grateful to you to be able to find this part in me, and to see it reflected back in everybody else.’

It’s time to be more you and make more money
And the place to be guided, loved and trained into that experience is here,
inside Mesmerise, waiting for you to say yes.
It’s time to stop letting the voices of doubt get in the way of the voice that knows you’re ready.