A 12-month Storytelling, Stage Presence & Speaking Deep Dive to step into the Spotlight & bring your body of work into the world.
This programme will help you:
- Turn bland or confusing messaging into a brand that beams with personality
- Learn to move through the fear of each new level of visibility with grace so you can show up fully for your purpose-led work
- Speak from the heart with clarity, purpose and concision
- Articulate your offering to attract your dream clients
- Deliver your deepest, truest work
All within a safely held container designed with deep care and fortified with a healthy dash of play.
A 12-month Storytelling, Stage Presence & Speaking Deep Dive to step into the Spotlight & bring your body of work into the world.
You want:
A brand story that compellingly communicates who you are and why you’re doing what you’re doing
A marketing calendar that feels fun to show up for
Speaking engagements booked months ahead
Clients you love and respect
Abundant cashflow for sumptuous holidays by the sea, beautiful home-decor, a fridge full of organic food and gifting to causes close to your heart
A position in the market that is unrivalled
This is where you’re headed and what Life wants for you. Otherwise you would not have these desires.
Here’s why attaining this level of clarity, conviction, and courage has been challenging until now:
You’ve done multiple trainings in coaching styles, healing modalities and personal growth. You live for personal growth! But have you been sharing your stories of growth and taking your audience with you? Do your followers know just how ‘far along’ on this path you really are?
You’ve tried all sorts of marketing courses looking to learn how to piece it all together; how to truly share what you do. But you’ve been handed formula after formula that leaves no space for the fullness of who you are. Trying to create compelling messaging from your head will never work.
You’ve been holding back the ferocity of your love, the clarity of your insight, for fear of being called ‘too much’
Your fear of getting it wrong is keeping you from being right. And it’s keeping you hidden from your ‘just-right’ clients
You’ve done a ton of client work and you’re great at what you do but you don’t have a message yet. A clear and interesting perspective is what gets you invited on stages; again and again.
This programme will help you:
- Turn bland or confusing messaging into a brand that beams with personality
- Learn to move through the fear of each new level of visibility with grace so you can show up fully for your purpose-led work
- Speak from the heart with clarity, purpose and concision
- Articulate your offering to attract your dream clients
- Deliver your deepest, truest work
All within a safely held container designed with deep care and fortified with a healthy dash of play.
£12,000 + VAT
with pay-in-full and payment plan options available
Book a call with Kate below to talk through if Mesmerise is right for you.
For healers, teachers, coaches and guides.
For you when you’re bored of the status quo, the marketing trends, and giving your power away to algorithms and likes.
For you when you’re done with rote answers to your deep questions.
For you when you’re ready to truly collaborate, expert to expert, when you’re ready to listen to the subtle messages from the Big U – and bring them into fruition.
For you when you want strategy AND soul. Intuition AND intelligence.
For you when it’s time to elevate – and deepen – your messaging and your expression of your work.
For you when you’re ready to let your work be a JOY.
At the end of 12 months, you’ll have a signature story and a clear brand voice that feels congruent with who you are.
With this in place, the possibilities are endless:
on the stage: webinars, video marketing, live video, summits, interviews, podcasting and events
on the page: social media posts, blog posts, articles and books
You’ll choose the pathway that feels good to YOU. and put aside the rest.
Perhaps you’re worried you’ll have to start all over again if you change your messaging, even though you’ve been doing this work for years? Anxious you will lose current clients?
You’re not starting again… You’re evolving.
And I’m here to guide you on that wild ride as you step through the next threshold of your business expression.

Early in my entrepreneurial journey, my brother said to me, ‘what do you know about business?’ Sat around a food-laden table in a cosy pub for my uncle’s birthday, it took all I had not to cry into my roast chicken. Because at that time, I still didn’t believe in myself and my dreams. It was taking me every ounce of courage I had to keep going, and someone I loved and respected doubting me so overtly was hard.
And the thing is, he was right. In terms of big business, Corporate, mergers and acquisitions, multi-million deals, I knew nothing.
But people? How they tick? Why some people achieve their goals and others don’t? The real reason some stay stuck for so long? That, I get. Instinctively and deeply. I know when an idea has legs and when it doesn’t. And I know how to guide people through fear to flow. To reconnect with their dreams and intuition so they can follow their own inner GPS to wild success.
For a long time I believed the things I was naturally good at – understanding the inner-world, intuition, insight – meant I wasn’t cut out for business. I thought I had to choose. Path A: follow my joy and continue to explore the world of healing and magic and creativity and being a human on a planet whizzing through space. But no profit to speak of. Path B: have a successful business, a lovely home, gorgeous clothes, money for holidays. But no real deep inner fulfillment.
Luckily, I was wrong, and I’m very happy to admit it! Because it turns out, those natural gifts of understanding the deeply messy world of being human, and sensing energy blocks and knowing how to untangle them – are transferable to the world of business. It is those skills that help me synthesise a million different ideas into one potent offering – for myself and for my clients.
Because we really don’t have to choose. We can do our real work and get paid for it. We can grow our businesses to be wild successes and stay connected to our own deep knowing and aliveness.

Let’s get free of other people’s expectations so you can stand in your truth and share your magic.
Many of my brilliantly sensitive clients find themselves busy bowing at the altar of What Other People Think – they are squishing their star-shaped souls into square-shaped business models.
They feel frustrated, lonely, and like there’s something inside they want to express, but can’t.
And meanwhile, the world is missing out on their true gifts.
Here’s what I want you to know:
The calling in your heart is not going to go away, because it’s there for a reason. It’s your arrow to follow.
And showing up with your truth is the thing that will change your life and your business.
Daring to Share YOUR Magic leads to:
- Increased Reach
- Increased Revenue
- And Increased Revelling
Growing up as a Sensitive being in our fast-paced and sometimes harsh world, many of us have built up defences against the world. We’ve learnt how to fit in.
But the thing is, the fact that you’re Sensitive actually means you didn’t come here to fit in.
You came here to shine your light (and shake things up).
Throughout your journey in Mesmerise, you will experience…
✨ Deep connection with your work and refined clarity on why you do what you do.
✨ Creative and practical ways to grow your business and your leadership in a way that feels good and congruent with your values.
✨ Explore how to show up in a big way without overwhelm.
✨ Discover ways of sharing what you do that feel natural and in flow for you.
✨ Accountability to continue to grow your visibility so you can burn bright and reach and impact the people you’re called to serve.
✨ Accountability to make sure you are regularly tending the fire (the things that replenish your energy, creativity, and drive). No burn out on my watch.
✨ A safe, nurturing space to hold and support you, so you can let go of self-doubt, gain self-acceptance and embrace all of who you are.
£12,000 + VAT
with pay-in-full and payment plan options available
‘Mesmerise has allowed me to go deeper in discovering what I’m here to share, with your support and that of the wonderful women in the group I am able to lean more into being courageous and showing up. I’m learning a different way of business that feels authentic and real.’
“If you can grow your business and enjoy what you are doing at the same time and know you are making a huge difference as well, that’s just perfect. Mesmerise is about how do you make money in a fully authentic way that really works for you and that you enjoy. And then your client has the most fantastic experience as well.
It’s hugely exciting working in Mesmerise, without a doubt.”
It’s time to let go of the fear of What Other People Think, and start daring to share the real you. Messy. Muddling through. Magnificent.
Trying to be perfect, having it all together and figured out IS the path to burn-out. Showing up as yourself and sharing things you care about is the path to loving what you do and getting to do more and more of what you love (and less of the rest).
Your truth is mesmerising to your real ideal clients. The ones who make work feel FUN (and who pay in full!).
And that’s what Mesmerise is all about.

During two years of intense training in physical theatre at The London International School of Performing Arts (LISPA) It laid the foundations for a life of creativity. LISPA’s status quo was: challenge it. Pushing at the edges always of what seemed possible, appropriate, allowed – in theatre and Life.
Every Monday we had to get up on the stage and perform – ready or not. (and we usually weren’t). We would fall flat on our faces, regularly, and receive critique.
Then came the shows to the public. These we made sure we were ready for. Some nights we’d be in the Studio until 2am. Not so we could be script-perfect, but so we knew the essence of the performance so damn well that we could go off-script and be alive and present during the performance, responding to laughs, gasps and shifts in energy.
This is what I want for you – to have a place where you can practice, receive critique and refine your storytelling, messaging and showing-up skills so that when you go ‘out there’ you are brilliant and mesmerising.
Not perfect. But present.
Knowing the essence of your message so well that you can go off script, and still trust that you will communicate what’s important.

Together, we will dive deeply into…
From The Page and From The Stage Storytelling that will bring to light the unique value of your expertise and the transformation you create with clients, including in your …
Packaging, pricing and naming new programs that better serve your clients.
Positioning you as the Leader you know you are.
Defining your unique methodologies and body of work.
Selecting marketing strategies that feel authentic and fun.
Finding a marketing rhythm that feels easeful.
Sharing from your Wild Voice ™ so that your words are potent and powerful.
Sharing the mess and the magic – no ‘got it all sorted’ perfection required.
Letting people fall in love with the energy you send out into the world – and understand in a grounded way how you can help them.
Bravely and naturally step into the spotlight you were born for.
Learn my BEACON method for selling in congruence with your heart.
Refine the art of standing with someone as they make a life-changing decision. Find the balance between pushy and wishy-washy so you can stand firm, and they feel held and heard, ready to say ‘Yes’ if it’s right for you both.
Honour yourself, your time and your magic by saying no to clients who are not your just-right fit.
This is what it looks like…
~ MESMERISE on the Stage ~

A 2-day online retreat to dive deeply into the world of speaking, storytelling and stage presence – how to harness it to grow your business through your Stage of choice (real or virtual, fb live, video marketing, workshops or webinars) – and how to do it YOUR way. Plus, how to ensure your image matches your energy and words.
~ MESMERISE on the Page ~
A 2-day online retreat to craft compelling messaging from the page – improve your social media presence, your ability to craft social and blog posts and newsletters. Here we look at honing your V.O.I.C.E – your vision, values, unique perspective, your story and your storytelling skills, on the page.
~ Finding Flow, Forming Dreams ~
Full Day Quarterly Workshops with Kate and Louise
4 x per year
At the key points in the wheel of the year – the Solstices and Equinoxes – we will meet to tune in to the energy offered by the turning of the wheel, and plan our lives and businesses to be most in flow.
Once a season, we will gather for a day-long immersion to tune into the energy of that time in the wheel of the year and what it is asking of us and offering us. Time to reflect, harvest your learnings and celebrate so you can move forward wiser and more resourced.
Over the course of the year this will support you to get into the flow of the cycle of creativity – through dreaming, playing, producing and finessing your offerings. Regularly spend time visioning your future so you can walk your path with purpose and focus. Knowing your direction makes decision-making much easier!
At these quarterly immersions, I will teach on topics pertinent to the current energies and also the needs of the group. Louise will support you to create a plan for the upcoming 3 months; a plan that feels good and aligned with who you are, where you are, and the direction you want to be travelling in.
“Kate’s ‘Finding Flow, Forming Dreams’ workshop was exactly what I needed – soul nourishment with magical visioning combined. I went into it wanting clarity on my next steps and came out feeling filled-up from all I have achieved so far, and in a place of full surrender and acceptance that I don’t have to have everything figured out! I just need to take those small steps and follow my internal ‘yeses’, open to the possibility of where they will take me.
Thank you so much for holding such a creative and safe space. It allowed me to fully celebrate ME and see the amazing things I’ve achieved and how far I’ve come as well as have that mirrored back to me, which I wouldn’t have even realised. This was such a motivating moment and something I would never do alone”
~ Kate’s Intuitive Business Guidance ~
Twice a month
The gold of the program. Me in my zone of magic, intuitively guiding you to yours. My eyes on your business journey, supporting you expert-to-expert to exceed your own expectations and share high quality products and services with your just-right clients. Define your unique methodology. Uplevel your positioning. Do it all gracefully. Mesmerise.
~ Kate’s Take ~
Once a month
This is your opportunity to get my eyes on your written creations: sales pages, bios, new branding etc.
~ Making the Magic Happen with Group Planning & Productivity Sessions ~
1 x month
Towards the end of every month, you’ll be guided through a calming and grounding group planning and productivity session with my trusted productivity mentor, Louise Miller.
Louise is the kindest productivity expert you will ever meet, and she will help you to create a realistic plan each month; one that gets you facing in the right direction, and feeling good about it.
~ The Rest Nest ~
Be guided into deep rest with Yoga Nidra and embodiment practices with your rest mentor, Tanya Forgan. Tanya will support you to create a sanctuary that will become your go-to place for deep rest. Developing your deep rest practice with Tanya will support the learning of the program to integrate into your being, and put you on the restful path to burning bright – not out.
Day to night, full moon to new moon, summer to winter; all of nature has an in breath and an out breath. We do not expect daffodils in December. And we shouldn’t expect constant output from our beautiful selves. This is why Tanya Forgan is here to invite you regularly into the sanctuary of the rest nest. Time to drop everything. Time to deeply rest. (we are currently experimenting with the rhythm of these sessions: your feedback will help us land on the best and most nourishing rhythm)
~ Story and Voice Masterclasses ~
4 x year
The only secret worth knowing? Mastery takes Practice. All gifts need tending to, to learn how to wield them with precision, and playfulness. In these masterclasses you will have copious time to practice, get it wrong, fall on your face, and get the necessary loving feedback to know how to be better next time – so when you’re out on those stages your voice is clear, your palms sweat-free and your message – on point.
Find yourself in flow with your content creation, writing faster than you ever dreamed possible: potent, magnetic shares. Develop and deepen your brand voice so it becomes recognisable and memorable. Find a level of freedom in your self-expression that leads to deep self-trust and peace – so you can say yes to the opportunities that will come your way, and not hold back.
~ Sacred Listening & Sacred Planning ~
Join me in my Sacred Monday Morning Rhythm – every entrepreneur I know who is successful without sacrificing their health has a rhythm. And it can be hard to stick to by yourself. So, let’s do it together. On Monday mornings, I will guide you through a practice I call Sacred Listening, so together we can tune in and get connected, ready for the week ahead in the best possible way. We then spend an hour connected but in silence, quietly planning our week.
~ Bonus Trainings on Money, Sales, Hiring Support and More ~
Throughout the year I will provide teaching and training to help you elevate your business visibility with congruent showing up and shining!
As soon as you join you will have access to past trainings on:
Clearing the Path to Success – as multi-dimensional beings, things can ‘get in the way’ on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Here we get clear on where the biggest stumbling blocks are for you so you know exactly what to focus on. Cue: way more energy!
‘Making Sales and Receiving Money’ – a day-long training to transform how you see money and sales calls
‘Safe to be Seen’ – an immersive experience to support you to embrace, integrate and love the different parts of you, so there is nothing to be afraid of someone ‘finding out’ about you (goodbye Imposter Syndrome!)
‘Positioning Lab’ – a day-long training to get clear on how you want to be seen in the modern-day market-place that is the world wide web.
‘Writing your Story-Bio’ – discover how your bio can be magnetic and serve as a beacon to your real ideal client.
‘Team Work to Make the Dream Work’ – practical ways to grow your team in alignment with your vision.
‘Sales Pages That Compel and Convert’ – learn how to create beautiful, authentic sales pages that invite your ‘just-right’ clients to work with you.
‘How to Meet Your Clients Empathetically in Their Pain’ – go deeper in your marketing messaging by connecting with your clients’ needs and desires in a way that feels kind AND supportive – no ‘prodding’ required.
~ Trainings for 2022 ~
For those joining in March 2022, our upcoming live trainings are:
The Creativity Cycle
The Art of the Uplevel – we go deeper and more bespoke into finding, owning, shaping and sharing magic. We look at Leading with Vision, plus how to move gracefully through the fear of positioning yourself as the expert.
Defining your Unique Methodology
Crafting your Transformational Events
Offer Lab – creating and honing your next-level offers to suit the needs of your clientele
Crafting the Flow of Launches
Upcoming Guest Trainings:
Image Training with Helen Reynolds
PR Training with Sara Price
Instagram with Stephanie Parker
£12,000 + VAT
with pay-in-full and payment plan options available
On this journey you will stop thinking there is anything to fix. Because Nothing About You Is Wrong.
And you will start daring to share the real, unfiltered fullness of you.
That’s when you start attracting clients you LOVE working with.
Because they want you to be you.
Not shiny and got it all sorted.
Simply you.
You’ll stop thinking you need to be an expert. And you’ll start saying things that matter.
And THAT is what has people lean in, listen up and private message you wanting to work with you.
Your truth is a Beacon that attracts clients who want you to be you.
The Magic of Mesmerise…
“Mesmerise is alive – it has a heart of its own. It is a very different way of working.”
– Jacqui Bull
“Realistic, empowering & prioritising those things I know will bring out the best in me.”
– Maggie Cunningham
Being able to show up completely as I am and that vulnerability in being safe, seen, heard, embraced and accepted by the group. To be able to do this whilst working on my business when this normally only happens/is given permission in a course where you’re working on yourself is incredibly freeing and I think crucial to really and truly removing blocks and barriers. The guidance that it is this very lack of separation (i.e the truth that Myself and My work are inseparable) that is the key to what will make my work magical, fun, healing and empowering not just for myself, but for my audience.
And having a safe space to practice and fully embody that lack of separation and completeness of self in my work.
And – all the practical training is shit-hot smart, savvy and on the money as well!
Total win win!’
“It’s really helpful to be in a group of women and that’s what I would say to anyone who’s thinking of joining Mesmerise. There’s this beautiful kind of learning and deepening when you’re in a group. From the very beginning through to StorySchool, every single thing has been about connecting to other humans, other highly sensitive, beautiful souls who are going through exactly what I am going through. And there’s just such power in that.
The wonderful thing about being in a group that I’d never appreciated before, especially in a group like Mesmerise is that ultimately all we are ever doing is helping people to return back to themselves. Every single one of us has this magical, beautiful essence that is so different to the next one. The work you have done, not just for me, but for us as a group, it blows my mind how you do it. And I’m tearful when I say that. I’m very, very grateful to you to be able to find this part in me, and to see it reflected back in everybody else.“
It’s time to burn bright as the real you.
No more dimming your desires and swallowing your truth.
Bold. Bright. Brilliant.
Making money from sharing your magic.
Let’s Do This.
Let’s Change the Story.
Let’s Burn Bright.
This Is YOU & YOUR Body Of Work:
Completely Unleashed. Completely Mesmerising.
This is about stopping listening to people who want you to be less than you are.
This is about stopping trying to do it all by yourself.
This is about surrounding yourself with people who see you, support you when you’re down and celebrate with you when you’re shining bright.
This is about surrounding yourself with people who give you permission to shine EVEN brighter. And loving reminders to rest when you need.
This is about letting your truth be seen and getting the right attention for your soul-inspired business.
This is Mesmerise.
~ Share your voice, reveal your magic, grow your business ~
A year of connecting to your Purpose and creating from your core.
For brilliantly sensitive business owners ready to take a stand.
£12,000 + VAT
Less stopping yourself. More doing the scary thing that will move you forward. With support.
Less over-thinking. More inspired action-taking.
Less squishing your star-shaped soul into someone else’s 7-step formula that worked for them. MORE DOING WHAT WORKS FOR YOU.
£12,000 + VAT
pay-in-full and payment plan options available
Book a call with Kate below to talk through if Mesmerise is right for you.
Here’s a reminder of what you’ll receive when you join us for Mesmerise:
- Two retreats – MESMERISE on the Stage and MESMERISE on the Page – to help you harness and hone your voice and use it to powerfully grow your business.
- Quarterly Finding Flow, Forming Dreams – a full day workshop as a group to help you reflect and harvest your learnings, vision your future and walk your path with purpose and focus.
- Monthly Intuitive Business Guidance – open group forum with access to me and my intuitive business coaching.
- Monthly Kate’s Take – a monthly opportunity to receive feedback from Kate on your written work
- Monthly Making the Magic Happen – a calming and grounding group planning and productivity session with Louise Miller, my personal productivity mentor.
- The Rest Nest with Tanya Forgan – create a practice of deep rest to help you balance the learning and work you’ll be doing through the program, so you can burn bright, not out.
- Weekly Sacred Listening & Sacred Planning – your new Sacred Monday Morning Rhythm, start your week by getting still, tuning in and quietly planning the week ahead.
- Teachings and trainings throughout the year, from Kate and special guests – designed to empower you to apply the inner learnings to practical pieces in your business.
- BONUS Story and Voice Masterclasses throughout the year – opportunities for you to practice speaking and sharing your writing, and receive loving feedback to help you shine even brighter.
- Access to the Mesmerise Facebook Group – and a supportive community of brilliantly sensitive business-owners.
All those who join Mesmerise in March 2022 will also receive the following surprise bonus gifts:
- Access to Tame Your To-Do List with Louise Miller – a three week course to transform your relationship with your to-do’s and explore a new way of getting and staying organised. You’ll create a beautiful, flexible and supportive container for all your projects and tasks that actually helps you get the important things done.
- You’ll also receive a 30 minute 1:1 session with Louise for personal support to implement what you learn in ‘Tame Your To Do List’.
- You will also receive access to my signature program, StorySchool. StorySchool is a 5-module self-guided course designed to help you find, craft and share the story that turns you into a Beacon for your real ideal clients. (value – £995)
‘I was always nervous and worried talking about my passion, because I work with people who are vulnerable and need to be approached in a sensitive way. I could never really find my authentic voice to deliver the important message that I knew I needed to, in order to reach the people that needed to hear it.
I joined the course understanding that it would help me to connect more authentically with my audience and to reflect my values through the stories I tell. One of the biggest surprises for me has been the self-development aspect of this journey. I’d never really understood how storytelling could have such a profound effect on your development and growth. Being able to see my life through all these wonderful stories that I tell now has been very rewarding, healing and enables me to express my inherent creativity.
Thank you for creating such a wonderful, transformational business.’
- FOR THE FIRST FIVE TO JOIN: A 90 minute one-to-one coaching session with Kate – time for you to work on what you most desire. We can shape your offerings, write the words that sell them, or dive into your Purpose and how to beam it out into the world.
FOR THOSE WHO PAY IN FULL: The Dream Team Maxi Bundle!
I couldn’t do this work without my team – and as a special bonus gift for paying-in-full, I’ll give you exclusive access to my team. The bundle includes the following:
- 1 hour one-to-one with Louise Miller – receive Louise’s beautifully grounded support to plan and organise your work in a way that feels beautifully supportive.
- A 90-minute ‘copy download’ session with Morag Young, trained Wild Voice Facilitator and copywriter, to access, and finesse, the heart of your messaging. You’ll receive a written PDF afterwards to keep and refer back to.
- A design package including 20 graphics created by my assistant and designer, Megan Sharkey – plus a consult session beforehand with both Megan and Morag Young.
- A 60-minute session with Lauren Burles, Business Manager – use this to talk through your systems and processes, review your current tech stack or as a mini launch strategy session.
Mesmerise in its current format is limited to 20 members, so I can give you the attention and support you and your business needs. You will be joining a supportive, soul-centred community; a brave space where you can access and express your wild voice – authentic, vulnerable, real – before sharing with the world. So you can reach and impact those you are called to serve with your words and your work.
‘Where to start?! Kate has an insane ability to turn the wafflings and ramblings in my head into something coherent and meaningful. By deciphering the stuff in my head she has helped me create a brand for my business which I’m in love with, launch a Facebook page, speak at an event and sign up for 2 more, get comfortable with sales and write the first pages of a book!
I have never once felt stupid, judged or uncomfortable with Kate, even in times of deep emotion and vulnerability. She seems to know exactly the right thing to do or say to push your thinking to the next realisation, and I’ve felt 100% supported, safe and heard the whole time.
If you’re thinking about working with Kate – that bit of you that’s a bit nervous, unsure, resistant… ignore her. She’s doing her best to protect you but she’s not learnt yet what’s on the other side. It’s awesome, and Kate will guide you there and be by your side all the way. You’re in safe hands.’
‘Mesmerise is a rare gem – it’s a process that opens the heart, offers a magnificent community whilst providing a deeply rooted personal and strategic scaffolding to the intricate layers of building a profitable business and a prosperous life.
Stories are welcome, messy emotions are welcome, celebrations are welcome, not knowing is welcome, it’s full of pleasure and self-care and deep care for one another, and is an absolute hoot.’
Here’s how you’ll be showing up when your message is embodied:
- Totally clear on what stories to tell when, where and to whom
- With your brand story complete and story-snippets in your back pocket to enhance all your teachings (and your sales pages!)
- Unapologetically self-expressed with a regular practice of showing up online in ways that feel nourishing
- An influx of enquires from just-right-for-you clients
- A more easeful experience of life because you finally know, at a bone-deep level, who you are. And have given yourself permission to be you, full out
- Abundant cashflow for the Life you know is yours
- A position in the market that is unrivalled- because who you are is unreplicable inimitable
~ Share your voice, reveal your magic, grow your business ~
£12,000 + VAT
pay-in-full and payment plan options available
Kate Wolf, Founder & Creatrix of Mesmerise
Kate Wolf is the founder of Spirited Business and creatrix of StorySchool and Mesmerise. As a catalyst for creative self-expression, Kate helps highly sensitive entrepreneurs to stop bowing at the altar of What Other People Think and dare to share their own unique voice. It is from this place that they find the work they really came here to do, and the words that sell it. Her lovingly crafted body of work supports business owners to become wildly successful, in ways that allow them to burn bright, not out.
Through Spirited Business and her two signature programmes, Kate weaves together her gifts of deep intuition, storytelling magic, and the practical ability to bring an idea through into a communicable form – all whilst ensuring the process feels joyful and fun.
Kate has spent 7 years ‘in the field’ working with hundreds of brilliantly sensitive business-owners, helping them to trust their ability to communicate, and turning bland or confusing messaging into brands that beam with personality. Kate will help you speak from the heart, with clarity, purpose and concision, articulating the message and offering that will attract your dream clients to your business door.

Louise Miller, Your Productivity Mentor
Louise works with busy, heart-led business owners who want to run a fulfilling business without burning out. Described by her clients as “a soothing balm”, she helps them get stuff done with less stress and more ease, not so they can cram more and more ‘doing’ into their days, but so they can create space for the things they love.
Louise’s first-hand experience of work-related stress and anxiety towards the end of her 15-year career in professional services led her to develop a slower, more mindful approach to getting things done. She’s the calm, kind clarity queen who helps her clients get their great ideas out of their head, notebooks and scribbles and into reality, so they can have fun in their business again.
Louise holds monthly Making the Magic Happen sessions inside Mesmerise to guide you to plan your Life and Business in ways that work for you. She also teaches during the seasonal Finding Flow, Forming Dreams days to support you to map out your business plans for each season.
Tanya Forgan, Your Rest Mentor
Tanya has inspired and empowered thousands of women through her work as a Transformational Mentor, Rest Facilitator and Healer. She believes that every single one of us has innate gifts to share with the world. It is her mission is to help people awaken to their own power, through rest and reclamation and then share it with the world in a way that is unapologetic, authentic and sustainable. Tanya’s speciality is supporting women to create, embody and live in an aligned life of truth, passion and purpose.
Tanya holds the Rest Nest inside Mesmerise. She will guide you to create a sanctuary for yourself that will become your go-to place for letting it all go.