Find the Money in your Message
Find the Money in your Message
Ready to be the next Wild Success story? Then this is your next step: book a call with me here and we will Find the Money in your Message!
Want to be able to communicate the value of what you do so people get it and want to pay you for it?
Want to quit the embarrassing fumble of taking ten minutes to explain what you do… only to be met with blank stares and polite nods??!
Want to let go of the total frustration of knowing you have so much more to share but not being able to find the right words to get people to see it??!
Let me coach your profitable marketing message out of you – and tie it up with a bow so it says what it needs to – with concision!
We will look together at how you can take this and run with it in the direction of your dreams with me by your side as you share your voice, grow your business and make more money.
I work with clients in VIP days, one-to-one, workshops, retreats and group courses and masterminds.

Meet Kate:
Kate Wolf went from professional Clown to Six Figure CEO. She’s the founder of Spirited Business and creatrix of the acclaimed StorySchool, Mesmerise, the Wild Voice™ Writing Process and the Wild Voice™ Facilitation programme.
Kate supports service-based business owners to build businesses that balance their unique magic with tried-and-tested mechanics, resulting in easeful and joyful growth. As a catalyst for creative self-expression, Kate helps entrepreneurs to stop bowing at the altar of What Other People Think and dare to share their own unique voice. It is from this place that they find the work they really came here to do, and the words that sell it. Her lovingly crafted body of work supports business owners to become wildly successful, in ways that allow them to burn bright, not out.
Through Spirited Business and her signature programmes, Kate weaves together her gifts of deep intuition, storytelling magic, and the practical ability to bring an idea through into a communicable form – all whilst ensuring the process feels joyful and fun.
Kate has spent 7 years ‘in the field’ working with hundreds of brilliant business-owners, helping them to trust their ability to communicate, and turning bland or confusing messaging into brands that beam with personality. Kate will help you speak from the heart, with clarity, purpose and concision, articulating the message and offering that will attract your just-right clients to your business door.