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Meet Your Guide:
Kate Wolf went from professional Clown to Six Figure CEO.
She supports coaches, healers, writers and speakers to build businesses that balance their unique magic with tried-and-tested mechanics, resulting in easeful and joyful growth.
Kate has spent eight years ‘in the field’ working with hundreds of brilliant business-owners, helping them to trust their ability to communicate, and turning bland or confusing messaging into brands that beam with personality.
She will help you speak from the heart, with clarity, purpose and concision, articulating the message and offering that will attract your just-right clients to your business door. So that you get to both fill up your bank account and feel truly fulfilled.
Kate has guided clients to:
- go from making their first ever sale to achieving their first 10k month
- craft TED Talks that have had more than 12k views
- step powerfully into the leadership roles they were born to play.
Collaboration between head and heart
‘Work with Kate offers you an intuitive, deep and blissful space to explore your inner workings, making the collaboration between head and heart a partnership rather than an argument.’
My events seem to fill up effortlessly
‘Kate introduced me to a whole new way of speaking about what I do that is so much more authentic – and much more powerful too. Because it’s so much more “me” it flows so wonderfully and the brilliant thing is that this new way of speaking up is much more compelling for my audience too. I am getting many more heartfelt and positive responses on Facebook and in person, and my events seem to fill up effortlessly. Kate is a true treasure and the journey she takes you on is priceless.’
Guiding you to your next stage of development
Kate is a gifted guide and mentor who holds clear and consistent boundaries whilst intuitively guiding each participant towards their next stage of development. Thank you from my soul!