Dear brilliantly sensitive business-owner… That feeling of frustration you have when you see people saying things you already know. Oh I know that feeling so well! And sometimes there’s a shallowness or empty-ness to those words – you just know you...
Are you cheating on your woo-woo? I have a request. It’s been a long time coming, inspired by both real-life and online adventures. I’ve spoken it out loud and it’s been met with welcome arms by those who were ready to hear it. My hope is...
Are you falling for the ‘I’m not ready’ myth? You’re feeling a deep-down knowing that you’re here for more. It feels like your soul is wrestling in a straitjacket. It wants to get OUT! But then, hot on the heels of that deep-down...
I had a fascinating coaching session with a new client last week. A coach herself and highly trained in many modalities, she is quick on the uptake and very insightful. She saw about half way in to our second session that her desire for growth is getting in the way of...