Creative Summer School for Unconventional Entrepreneurs

13th – 31st August 2018

You KNOW you’re brilliant at your work. (Your head might tell you otherwise sometimes, but deep down you know).

Coaching, teaching, sharing your wisdom and holding space for transformation comes naturally to you. You’ve just always been that person people want to tell their life story to, right?!

But when it comes to marketing your work, do you find yourself procrastinating? Suddenly the house needs tidying, you watch yourself signing up for a training you really don’t need right now and oh look the kettle’s on again!

Do you find yourself thinking:

  • Marketing is hard! And it’s going to take ages. I don’t have time!
  • I need to get it right
  • Kettle’s boiled! I’ll do it later

If you think being good at marketing means you have to be active on a zillion social media channels, learning how to split-test and have your head up google analytics, then I totally get it. I would have 15 cups of tea a day too.

But what if it didn’t mean that?

What if marketing simply meant sharing what you’re good at?

Talking about things that matter to you?

What if marketing meant harnessing your innate ability to communicate and make friends?


They are the only skills you need to be a brilliant marketer of your own gifts and stand out from the crowd; integrity-intact and no need for shouting.

And what if…what if…call me a dreamer but you won’t be the first…

What if with your marketing you could play a role in creating the kind of world you dream of?

You could say no to shaming people for ‘playing small’ (what the?? There’s a REASON it’s terror-inducing to be big and bold and vocal and it’s called thousands of years of cultural conditioning.)

You could refuse to ‘pressure people’s pain points’ (umm?)

Instead of big-red arrows and over-simplification of the very complex game of being human, you could bring solace. You could bring poetry. You could bring nuance and subtlety and possibility.

Sure, you already have a message and it worked for a while, but now it feels dry in your mouth and it’s not exciting you any more.

You’re ready for a new level.

A new level of truth and vulnerability.

A new level of money in your bank account.

A new level of visibility.

More fun AND more depth.

More positive comments, interaction and clients who are a joy to work with and happy to pay you.  

When you speak from your Wild Voice that’s exactly what happens. 

People lean in and it feels like magic.

What – or who – is your Wild Voice?

It’s the part of you that was never tamed.

Never conditioned.

She doesn’t care about ‘getting it right’ or ‘fitting in’ or what anyone else might think.

She knows exactly what she thinks.

And what she wants.

She’s tugging at your sleeve, gnarling at your heart, baring her teeth.

She knows her own survival and the survival of our world depends on you letting her out.

Your vitality depends on listening to her wisdom.

Your love-life will only deepen to the extent you give her space in the relationship.

And your business – she is the life-blood of your business.

She does not need to shout and scream to be heard, though she can if she wants. She can whisper a room to silence and bring forth soft tears of knowing, recognition, longing when she shares the truth we are all waiting to hear.

She knows there is a great unlearning to be done, a yearning for deep, true, maskless connection and unconditional loving.

She knows the power of sitting in circle with her sisters, of tasting the truth, of being seen in her open vulnerability.


She devotes each day to opening a little more to life, to the life inside, to letting it in and letting her out.

She stands strong and wild and free and her emergence will shake and heal the Earth.

‘Kate introduced me to a whole new way of speaking about what I do that is so much more authentic – and much more powerful too. Because it’s so much more “me” it flows so wonderfully and the brilliant thing is that this new way of speaking up is much more compelling for my audience too. I am getting many more heartfelt and positive responses on Facebook and in person, and my events seem to fill up effortlessly. Kate is a true treasure and the journey she takes you on is priceless.’

~ Oona Alexander

‘Spending a whole day working with Kate on my signature speech was amazing! It was such a nourishing and wonderful day and helped me hone in on the exact story I needed to tell – I know now that it is that story, right on the edge, that is the one I need to share at this point in my business – the one that will connect with the women I am here to help. It felt SO GOOD to have someone there who hears me and gets me.

I was nervous at first but there was a freedom created for me to be able to explore without yet knowing the answer – and then somehow it came! AND, somewhere along the way it started to feel like fun!! I felt like I played for a whole day, and got more work done than I would have done if I’d been on my own, as we held such focus. Then came actually sharing my new speech on stage. I’ve done talks before, but this was the most personal. It felt amazing to let go of a layer of my old ‘showbiz’ persona on stage, that wasn’t supporting where I want to go anymore. Just being me on stage and sharing my story felt really powerful and I got some amazing feedback, a speaker video made and a new client! Such a relief to have my new signature speech written, practiced and performed! (phew!) Thank you SO MUCH.’

~ Kate Gerry



The Wild Voices Summer School is a lovingly crafted 3 week journey to find, release and hone YOUR Wild Voice.

Your Wild Voice might be very different to mine… or similar. She might be much bolder. Or softer. Or somewhere in the middle. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that it’s true. And it feels good.

There will be trainings, Q&A’s and gently guided workshop time to write, speak and give and receive feedback.

Think of it like a Summer School for adults.

Wait, scrap that. An Unschooling. Because when we strip away all the layers of learnt conditioning, we’re left with, well, how magic you really are. 



Purchase your favourite workshop for £125


Buy an all class-pass for the

Wild Voices Summer School – £997 £497

Powerful and poetic, her words paint vivid pictures.

~ Laura Pritchard, Producer, Grown Up Productions Ltd.

Outstanding storytelling

~ Joanne Merritt, Performing Arts Facilitator, Chicken Shed and Unicorn Theatre

Meet your Wild Voices host! 

Kate Wolf, founder of Wild Voices and the Beacons Sisterhood, is on a mission to unleash the voices of a million changemakers. Kate works with playful pioneers and aspiring philanthropists; women with entrepreneurial spirit who want to combine their work in the world with giving to the causes they love.  She brings years of experience as an intuitive energy healer, reiki master, yoga and meditation teacher and creativity expert to clear blocks to healthy self-expression and support clients to speak their truth. With a vast understanding of effective communication from work in the theatre and Creative Education – directing, writing, performing and teaching – Kate transforms bland brands into businesses that beam with personality and stories that connect – from both the page and the stage. She has been called fun, playful, wise beyond her years, honest, boundaried, fiercely loving and dangerously insightful. Which means – those who want their life to stay exactly the same, need not apply. If you know your work is about more than just making money – if it’s about starting a movement, lighting a way for a new world, taking a stand for something bigger than yourself – AND you want to make more money so you can give more back – Kate Wolf will support you to own your magic, free your voice and shine your quirky light – so that those who need you, find you.

As a result of taking part in the Wild Voices Summer School, you might be at risk of experiencing the following results. All of these are real life-benefits from my clients. You might…

  • Move to a yurt for the Summer
  • Go home and find your husband all over you!
  • Throw out your wardrobe and get a new one!
  • Radically improve your sales conversion rate
  • Throw out your old webinar script and show up much more you!


Don’t worry if you don’t actually want to move into a Yurt – the common thread is that each of these clients started making decisions in line with what they actually wanted, and showing up more authentic and open – which made them a magnet not just for new clients but for old husbands too!

Seriously though… If you would like to:

  • Get to just show up as you! Burning Bright. (Which means it’s easy, fun and simple. And takes a lot less time)
  • Communicate in a way that has your ideal client feel that you ‘get them’ and they can trust you
  • Trust your intuitive impulses about what you need to share when – press ‘Go Live’ on a facebook live when you get the hit! And have fun doing it! (and watch yourself after and be surprised by your own flowing wisdom!)
  • Become more compelling and magnetic; People are engaging more, you’re getting more positive responses and interest in your work (You know you get the best results when you follow that instinct in your sessions. But you’re holding back from following it in your marketing; let’s change that)
  • Feel even more confident that YES, you CAN be the real you AND have a viable, lucrative, lovely business


Then the Wild Voices Summer School is for YOU!

‘Kate’s work verges on magical, I swear! I’m so glad I responded to the call to attend an online “mini-retreat” Kate hosted, as this – while being transformational in itself – introduced me to her wider work and I’m now a member of Kate’s Beacon sisterhood, had a VIP morning with her and recently attended the Wild Voices Retreat. Wow! Never have I felt so heard, so seen, so known, so understood. And so encouraged to bring the real me out into the world.

Working with Kate has been transformational, not just personally but also in my business. I gained so much clarity on the direction I wanted to take during our VIP session and I even ended up rebranding my business. I now have a brand that excites me and I feel I can really own.

My confidence in my work – and in who I am in that work – grows month on month, and I’ve had some great feedback from clients reflecting that back at me. In particular, a client said to me just today “I feel like you’ve been growing in confidence over the last few weeks and bringing more of yourself. I really love how you bring your playfulness to our sessions!”

I’m really looking forward to continuing to work with Kate and excited to grow a business that feels completely aligned with who I am and the difference I want to make in the world – and one that enables me to show up as me!! If you feel even the slightest calling to work with Kate, trust that calling! I can’t recommend her enough’

~ Jen Le Marinel

If you want to feel like your business is poetry – it flows, it’s lyrical, it’s spacious – if you want to show up in your

marketing as YOU – and have fun while you’re at it, join me in the Wild Voices Summer School.


Purchase your favourite workshop for £125


Buy an all class-pass to the

Wild Voices Summer School – £997 £497



This is a 3 week online immersion to release and hone your true voice – the one with POWER and MAGIC inside.

Week 1:Slowing Down and Listening to the Whispers

Week 2: Your Wild Voice Business

Week 3: Sharing your Wild Voice on the Page & Stage

Key Dates

The Immersion runs from the 13th to 31st August 2018.

Each week we’ll be working together on a series of magic-making trainings and workshops. 



13th – 17th August 2018

Every creator knows, this step is the most important. Skip it and you’re creating from a place of push. Pay attention to it… and magic happens.

When you slow down enough, right down to the drumbeat pace of the rocks, you start to hear things. Feel things. Life asks to be expressed through you. This week is all about saying YES to those impulses … what will you create from this plugged in place?

Creative Workshops

Monday 13th August, 10am – 12pm: Slowing Down & Listening to the Whispers

Tuesday 14th August, 3 – 5pm: Write yourself Wild

Wednesday 15th August, 7 – 9pm: Creative Flow – Working with your cyclical nature as a woman to harness the power of flow


20th – 25th August 2018

Creative Workshops

Monday 20th August, 7 – 9pm: Your Wild Voice Business – Get paid for what you’re made for

Wednesday 22nd August, 10am – 12pm: Tell a Brand New Story – your Brand Unleashed AKA What world are you creating with your work and your words?

Thursday 23rd August, 3 – 5pm: Message Magic – How to powerfully communicate the value of what you do, especially when the outcomes are intangible


27th – 31st August 2018

Creative Workshops

Monday 27th August, 3 – 5pm: Become a Spellbinding Storyteller – the art, science, and magic of storytelling to engage, inspire and activate your ideal clients

Wednesday 29th August, 10am – 12pm: Your Wild Voice on the Page

Thursday 30th August, 7 – 9pm: Your Wild Voice on the Stage

Friday 31st August, 10 – 11.30am: Closing Circle, Sharing & Celebrations


Throughout the 3 weeks, we will also have a pop-up Facebook group where you can share and receive feedback from me and the group.


Each day, you will also benefit from a short (under 10-minutes) shot of inspiration from me. I will share my favourite poems, examples of genius copy-writing, my own writing, mini-teachings on topics such as ‘how much is too much? Authenticity vs Splurging’ plus games/exercises and prompts for your own writing.


Healing Meditations:

  1. Embrace your Fear  – a guided visualisation to help you find the hidden gifts inside your fear
  2. Love your Inner Critic – your inner critic is a powerful team-player! The more you tell her to be quiet, the more she pipes up. Lets get her on side.
  3. Play with your perfectionist – oh your lovely, judgemental perfectionist. She so wants everything to be perfect! Lets see what happens when we introduce play to the equation…


Women on Fire interviews with Bethany Webster, Toko-Pa and Jewels Wingfield to stoke the fire of inspiration

And – WOW!!!! The following AMAZING women are going to share their wisdom with you (dates tbc – BUT don’t worry, they will be recorded and you will have access for life so you can listen and learn at a time when the classes will be most beneficial for YOU)

Sophie Jane Mortimer: How to create WILD engagement on Facebook

Lynn Hord: Joyful Copywriting

Jo Soley: Get Practical; Sharing your Content Effectively

‘Kate’s playfulness, wisdom and grounded confidence in her, and my, process and gifts gave me permission to share myself in a way that felt alchemical! I felt and saw my magnetic presence in action, and witnessed the unfurling of the others in the group. Such abundance and radiance! I am curious, bubbling with nervous excitement about where the next steps will lead. All from just being allowed to be myself.

Thank you, Kate. Words cannot express the gratitude, love and respect I have for who you are and what you stand for in this world. You demand things from people, from me, that can feel uncomfortable… and it’s so good!

~ Kathryn E M John

‘Kate created a sacred space in which all the women present could explore their own questions, obstacles , fears, dreams and visions in equal measure. We were totally welcomed as we were- and we were lovingly encouraged & invited to be our most real, most wild selves.

Kate leads in a fierce, gentle, wise and curious way.

The retreat surpassed my expectations and what I experienced was nothing short of magic. Heaven on earth.

What we created during the 3 days has given me the confidence to go out into the noisy world of entrepreneurs and coaching, knowing the value of my work. I have shifted from trying to being. This is a massive gift that Kate has given me, and on which you can place no price.

Thank you Kate, for believing in and bringing your dream to the world- so that we can do the same!

An experience which was transformative and will shape me and my work for years to come.’

~ Ella Carey

If you want to feel like your business is poetry – it flows, it’s lyrical, it’s spacious – if you want to show up in your

marketing as YOU – and have fun while you’re at it, join me in the Wild Voices Summer School.


Purchase your favourite workshop for £125


Buy an all access class-pass for the

Wild Voices Summer School – £997 £497

‘When you meet someone who is in their flow as much as Kate is, you know it’s no coincidence. Kate met me where I was, holding space for my own inner wisdom to be heard. With gentle strength she guided me to consider where my own blocks are, and gave me clarity about releasing and resolving them. If you’re ready to show up and move forward with courage, connecting with Kate is a rich experience.’

~ Madeleine Forbes

‘I needed a space to experiment with what I could be.

I’m quite shy and timid in a new environment and Kate created such a wonderful space so I was able to truly express myself – whatever I needed I was able to do which helped release blockages that had been encouraging my depression to fester.

At Beacons Live I unearthed a very magical and playful core of me, and my knowing that Life is too beautiful not to see it that way – that became my mantra and every time I felt anything negative kick in I would repeat it to myself.

The best outcome is a complete knowing of myself and giving up giving a crap! I’ve let go of so much. I had a completely different summer with the kids and a different mind-set come September. Now when stuff comes up I am not veering off my Purpose – I know what I’m doing and why.

It’s complete truth and it makes it all possible! It is possible to be playful, fun, adventurous AND professional. You walk your talk, Kate, in such a relaxed way.

Being in the Sisterhood has encouraged the magic to continue, I wouldn’t be without them.’

~ Samantha Geddes


When will you next be running this?

At present, I have no plans to run this live again. I plan to run it live once and then it will become a home-study programme. If you can join live, do. You’ll have a much wilder experience 🙂

Shouldn't I be learning Facebook Ads instead?

Yes, of course, facebook ads are a great way to reach more people. IF you know exactly who you’re talking to, how to talk to them and what they want. Otherwise, it’s a waste of money.

What if I can't attend live?

Don’t worry – we’ll record all sessions and will email them to you within 24 hours.

How much time will this take?

The workshops are interactive, so you will be creating content while we are together. To make the most of it, however, I would recommend finding another 2 – 3 hours a week so you can follow the inspired state of flow that you will find yourself in!

What's your refund policy?

If, at the end of our 3 weeks together, you’re not loving it – so long as you can show that you’ve listened to the trainings and done the exercises – I will refund you your money.

And if there’s anything else there I haven’t answered, send me a quick email at with WILDVOICESQUESTION in the headline! Make sure you do that or I might miss it!



One Workshop – £125

Come to one workshop – choose your favourite! After purchasing, please email with which workshop you would like to attend and you’ll receive joining instructions. 

Buy an all class-pass to the Wild Voices Summer School – £997 £497

Join us for the full three week Summer School experience and receive all of the following:

9 Creative workshops – PLUS the Closing Circle Celebrations

3 Meditations for healing and releasing blocks to shining bright

Daily short n sharp Wild Inspiration videos to keep the flow flowing!

A community of other Wild Voices to practice showing up and sharing and experience being supported in your wild dreams

3 Masterclasses with experts in copywriting, engagement and the nuts and bolts of sharing your inspired content so you can reach more minds and make sure your message is heard.

3 Women on Fire Interviews – enlightening conversations on passion, purpose and playing your part to keep the fire burning.

If you want to feel like your business is poetry – it flows, it’s lyrical, it’s spacious – if you want to show up in your

marketing as YOU – and have fun while you’re at it, join me in the Wild Voices Summer School.

Purchase your favourite workshop for £125


Buy an all access class-pass for the

Wild Voices Summer School – £997 £497