Unlock a Stream of

Ideal Clients

with Bold, Brave, and Brilliant Messaging

Sometimes we just need alleviation from blank-page syndrome, don’t we? On those days, pick up one of these, write and go!

You’ve been offering your magic (coaching, healing, guiding, mentoring, teaching, training) for years now…

and it’s going…


But deep down you know you were not made for ‘OK’.


You’ve been offering your magic (coaching, healing, guiding, mentoring, teaching, training) for years now…

and it’s going…


But deep down you know you were not made for ‘OK’.


A little bit famous in your chosen industry.

Recognised and richly rewarded.

And that…

Requires a messaging and positioning uplevel (or three).

The good news is that around here, uplevels are FUN AND FULFILLING.

You’ve been trying to squeeze your star-shaped soul into a square shaped hole for too long – that was the painful part.

You’ve done the work. You’ve put in the hours of healing and self-reflection and growth.

It’s time to start ENJOYING THE FRUITS.

A little bit famous in your chosen industry.

Recognised and richly rewarded.

And that…

Requires a messaging and positioning uplevel (or three).

The good news is that around here, uplevels are FUN AND FULFILLING.

You’ve been trying to squeeze your star-shaped soul into a square shaped hole for too long – that was the painful part.

You’ve done the work. You’ve put in the hours of healing and self-reflection and growth.

It’s time to start ENJOYING THE FRUITS.

It’s time to let yourself be SEEN.

Bold. Bright. Brilliant. 

Owning your Magic. 


Because ambitious entrepreneurs become wildly profitable when they trust their experience and expertise to be fascinating to their just-right client.

When you stop hiding who you really are…

And start showing up as the real you – flaws and fabulousness…

You start attracting people who want to hang around with you, hear from you, open your emails, read your social media posts, learn from you and most importantly – want to buy from you!

Because ambitious entrepreneurs become wildly profitable when they trust their experience and expertise to be fascinating to their just-right client.

When you stop hiding who you really are…

And start showing up as the real you – flaws and fabulousness…

You start attracting people who want to hang around with you, hear from you, open your emails, read your social media posts, learn from you and most importantly – want to buy from you!

That’s why I have created a simple system deliberately designed to draw out MORE OF YOU AND YOUR MAGIC and turn it into a flow of content, clients and cash.

Hey, I’m Kate Wolf

I went from professional Clown to Six Figure Founder of Spirited Business but have never forgotten the power of play to engage an audience. I now harness my expertise to support coaches and healers to attract a steady stream of clients and make money with their magic.

Combining business savvy with uncanny insight, I draw out your unique magic and support you to articulate it so that the right people get it, want it, buy it!

As a certified coach, copywriter, playwright, theatre director, energy healer and business consultant and after a decade working with thousands of business-owners, I know how to turn bland or confusing messaging into brands that beam with personality –  fast.


I’ve guided clients to:

  • Step powerfully into the Leadership roles they were born to play.
  • Craft TED Talks that have had more than 13k views
  • Go from making their first ever sale to achieving their first 10k month
  • Create businesses they love with clients that light them up 

I’ll help you speak and storytell in a way that is clear, purposeful and concise, articulating the message and offering that will attract your just-right clients to your business door.

So that you get to both fill up your bank account and feel truly fulfilled… while having fun! 

“My revenue increased by 62% and now I’m pretty much fully booked for the rest of the year.

And, it’s been really easy. Business is flowing in a way I’d always dreamed of but probably never really believed would happen. It was the thing that made the biggest difference to my business out of all of the business support that I’ve had over the last few years, for sure.”

Helen Reynolds, Style Consultant

"I put my newly crafted About Me page up and I had an amazing response. People were sharing it and talking about it:

‘Have you seen Maggie’s about me page. It’s amazing.’ I’ve never had that about an About Me page before – that people are actually telling each other about it. It really built my confidence. One person said ‘I read your bio and I know I need to work with you’ “

Maggie Cunningham, Coach & Trainer

"It was a bit like bending time - I think it is unbelievable how much we've got through.

I was looking for a bit of help on one or two pages, but I’ve got help on the whole website – and actually tying everything together to be clear about exactly what I’m offering. I knew it all fitted together but I couldn’t work out how to explain it.”

Mary Waring, Womens financial coach and chartered accountant


Unlock a Stream of

Ideal Clients

with Bold, Brave, and Brilliant Messaging

Sometimes we just need alleviation from blank-page syndrome, don’t we? On those days, pick up one of these, write and go!