Beacons Sisterhood

When you are making a living from sharing your gifts

(Or dreaming of doing so) it can be HARD.

You can pendulum between excited and joyful, and overwhelmed and fearful.

Between feeling totally confident, and wondering ‘am I crazy?’

Without the right support system in place, Self-Employment can be a really scary, lonely journey. And a slow one.

But it doesn’t need to be like that.

Imagine feeling so filled up that your best work just pours from you!

Imagine a group of women supporting and cheering you on as you dare to shine brighter and brighter.

BEACONS is a supportive sisterhood, a collective of the kind of women you wish you’d had as role models growing up.

Brave. Creative. Intuitive.

Curious. Open. Expansive in their thinking. Willing to take risks to follow their heart.

Playful pioneers with a fiery desire in their belly to experience all they can be.

Lighting the way for a new world – one where we honour our unique gifts and share them willingly – and celebrate others who are brave enough to stand out in a world that tries to teach us to fit in.

They decide, “Hell, Yes!” and “Hell, No!” They know what they want.

And they go for it.

If you:

  • Run your own business, are freelance or dream of being so…
  • Are following your dreams and sometimes get lost…
  • Sometimes wonder if you’re totally crazy and question why you started on this path at all…
  • KNOW you could do so much more if you weren’t crippled by doubt and fear and SO much more if you had more energy!
  • Find yourself WISHING you had people around you who ‘got you’ and supported your dreams… who didn’t buy in to your fears and doubts but held an image up for you of who you TRULY are and what you’re TRULY capable of…

Then BEACONS sisterhood is your prayers to the Universe answered!

What makes the BEACONS sisterhood totally unique is the first class Self-Care you will start to experience. Lots of coaches tell you to put yourself first, but they don’t tell you how, and too often it gets mentioned once and then forgotten. Unless we are making a regular practice of it, and recommitting to it daily, it’s too easy for it to be the first thing that slides. And when Self-Care slides, EVERYTHING slides.

Shine like a Supernova

As a BEACONS member, you can expect to evolve to the point where you are so clear of your own self-worth that self-care will become an easy non-negotiable. And anything less than awesome will be so easy to say no to. People, places, things – anything that takes you to a lower energy- you simply won’t be resonating with it anymore. You’ll be ready to gracefully move onwards and upwards and shine like the friggin supernova you were born to be.

Consider it the gentle, inner path to wild success.

So How Does it Work?

You will be welcomed into an online home where people GET IT – no-one here will tell you to pull yourself together, stop dreaming so big or to get your head out of the clouds. We gather in the Beacons Facebook group for sharing, support and sisterhood.



    A delicious download to connect you to your inner world and to your deepest knowing. Melt obstacles and fears, let your worries float away and open to your natural flow of abundance. Heal anything that has set you off course that month and re-connect to the truth of who you really are, so you can continue to shine forth.


    Deepen your connection with your body and learn to listen to what she really needs. Make this the year you STOP wasting time up in your head, spinning your wheels for answers you won’t find. Learn to listen to the whispers of your body, and to honour them. She will thank you, and so will your business.


    The energy around these interviews is something else! Each month I interview someone who has played a part in my own healing journey – we go deep and we share all. After 10 years exploring this path I have worked with some of the best in their field and I want to share them with you! Each beautiful healer also shares a live meditation, visualisation, or journalling or embodied exercise so you receive healing.

    Topics include: nutrition, aromatherapy, crystals, inner-child healing, living with your cycle, nature as medicine, ayurveda, healing love, angels, shamanism, tantra and daoism.


    A live call with me on what it really takes to be a Beacon- receive monthly high-vibe teachings, immerse yourself in the energy of ‘anything is possible’, and get your burning questions answered! We start each gathering with a celebration because the Universe loves it when you celebrate!

    Your Wild Woman Success Survival Kit Every woman out there following her dreams needs one of these in her back pocket! When you step up your ego gets loud, trying to keep you down! But help is at hand.

‘I had forgotten that place inside me existed. I had forgotten I could feel like that’


‘Kate is wonderful, and a natural teacher – she radiates with a lovely warm healing energy. Physically I feel stronger and fitter; mentally I feel calmer and more able to focus; spiritually I feel more aware. Overall in myself I feel happier, with a renewed sense of power and contentment. Thank you to Kate for believing in me and supporting me.’

Kate Hewstone

Your investment: £497

Membership lasts for 1 year from date of purchase

Special Bonuses


Your Wild Woman Success Survival Kit Every woman out there following her dreams needs one of these in her back pocket! When you step up your ego gets loud, trying to keep you down! But help is at hand.: when you fears start to play havoc with your dreams, it’s time for the Wild Woman Success Survival Kit! Consider this your re-grounding, confidence-fueling personalised process to super-charge your confidence and self-belief when you most need it.. This is the exact process I take myself through each time I up-level my life and business. This process will get you back on track and back out there sharing your gifts and making money… rather than hiding under the duvet covers (yes I’ve done that too). You’ll receive a pdf of the WWSSkit to download. It contains questions that, once answered by you, will create your own bespoke Survival Kit for those sticky moments.
GuidedMeditationCoverSavasanaSundaysSavasana Sundays – 20 minutes of deep, healing relaxation. Perfect for Sundays, or to infuse your body and soul with that Sunday feeling, any day of the week! As Self-Employed women we often find it difficult to rest but we are no use to anyone when we are stressed and tired. This healing relaxation takes just 20 minutes and will give your nervous system a delicious re-boot; you’ll feel like you just got 8 straight hours of sleep! (This is my best beauty hack too 😉 )
Two beautiful yoga videos for you to unwind with; one filmed in my cottage in the wilds of Dartmoor, and one in a Temple in Thailand.

The kind of self-care and support you’ll find in BEACONS is the difference between your journey to living your dreams being terrifying (or not happening at all)… and it being the most joyful, expansive, fulfilling thing you will ever experience.

Pause for a moment and think…

What could you create with this level of support? Who could you BE with this level of inspiration and magic? What would be possible for you?

Choose that. Say yes to that. Yes to your dreams. A big, juicy, HELL YES.

See you in Beacons, bright shining one.

Membership lasts for 1 year from date of purchase

‘Choosing to trust our bodies as women to guide and take us where we need to go is the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves. This self-trust was easily and naturally enhanced during the class. I felt safe, I felt connected and guided at all times. The whole experience was so effortless. At the end I had a very profound meditation experience and I felt something transformed in me. I don’t know what it was or how it happened, but I know it is exactly what I required. I have felt in the flow for days after… Kate has such a light and intuitive approach.’

Natalia Shpek, lifestyle designer

‘I was lucky enough to connect face to face with Katharine Wolf last week, having listened to her healing meditation many, many times this winter. I extended a heartfelt thank you. I told her that on the days when my usual sitting practice feels too hard, when the monsters are too noisy, when twenty minutes feels too long and the weight of my day too heavy, I settle into 5 minutes of guided loving-kindness practice. It’s like a hug for the hard days.’

Madeleine Forbes


Coz baby you were born to shine

‘I love Kate’s energy, and the very giving way she shares insights in a really nourishing and loving way. All that she offers is so congruent with who she is- so beautiful!’

Helen Rebello, healer and yoga teacher

‘What I love about Kate is she’s the kind of expert that doesn’t have to tell you she’s an expert. There is a beautiful divine feminine energy that radiates from Kate. She has an amazing ability to move her body in a way I’ve never seen anybody else do, even other yoga teachers. She lives likes she’s constantly dancing, exploring, connected to the Earth and the energy of the Earth. She speaks so poetically and makes it all sound so delicious, it definitely entices me to explore the subject more. She shares the keys to so many doors. She is one of the most expansive, daring, caring, wild, playful and beautiful souls I know and her work is urgent in the world.’

Carly Hope, Coach

‘Thank you for believing in your ability and following your path with such loving care for yourself and others Thank you for offering your self and your clarity in your work, it gives me deep courage in myself to do the same.’

Deborah Honeybee, masseuse and theatre-maker

‘Kate Wolf has an amazing ability to make you feel heard, held and safe. I love her wisdom. Her most recent teaching on ‘Outrageous Desires’ allowed me the space to fully embrace my dreams. Thank you Kate!’

Stephanie Steyer, branding specialist

‘I feel like the energy that i give off has shifted. I wanted to change my relationships with others and how they see me and that’s starting to happen – they’re starting to see me as less serious. Even with my son we’ve been having some really good laughs and we’re enjoying time with each other. It’s working in the family and also in terms of friendships and social circles. Something has definitely shifted because people started inviting me out more, I opened up and in some way it attracted more opportunities. I’ve had two creative afternoons since our day together and I had a conversation I needed to have with my husband and we’re focussing on us more – we’ve even booked a holiday to Sussex and Gran Canaria!’

Anna Gilbert, HR specialist and yoga teacher

P.S. you know it’s a lie that you have to fit in, in order to belong, right?



Imagine a group of women supporting and cheering you on as you dare to shine brighter and brighter.

Let’s Connect!