
 Become a Beacon for your Soul Clients

with Kate Wolf 

A self-paced, self-led online course through five training modules


Imagine knowing how to communicate the deep value of what you do – in a way that creates trust in you as a leader, teacher, coach or healer.

Instead of Manipulative Marketing Tactics or feeling like you need to shout, imagine knowing that every time you show up and share, it is a Gift.

Sharing your story is a generous gift to those who need to hear what you have to say.

Crafted and shared in the right way, your story IS your marketing. It is a Beacon in the dark for those who need you – and are ready to pay you.

Do you have notebooks filled with ideas? It feels good, right – to get it out of your head and onto the page.

Until it doesn’t anymore.


Until the notebooks and papers build up, spilling out of your drawers, clamouring to be released into the world.

Until having written your thoughts down is not enough – you need to share them.

Until it’s simply not enough to express yourself – you want to be HEARD.


Before joining I was questioning – will this really make a difference to my business?

To anyone considering it, I would say: This course is gold – don’t miss it. It’s made all the difference to my ability to express myself and connect with my audience. Following the course, I shared my story with my contacts and have never had such a response in my life before. What I thought was not much of a tale was, after going through the alchemy of Kate’s course, actually dynamite. And it felt so true and real too. My story really is me to the core. To feel my audience loving my story, when it’s so deep, intimate and personal, is life-changing – and proving to be a powerful boost for my business, too.

I did the storytelling workshop with Kate because I found that my academic style of writing was getting in the way of my really reaching my audience. With Kate’s help I’ve not only become much more aware of when this is about to happen, but more importantly I have the breakdown of the steps I need to take to craft a more embodied type of language. A language that is alive and relatable. There are now specific things I can do to choose words that evoke, move and speak to the heart. At the same time I have come to a much deeper understanding of what “my story” is. This is not only useful for my business but a powerful step forward in knowing truly who I am.

~ Oona Alexander

Parenting Coach

‘I decided to join StorySchool because I’ve always struggled with telling my story of why I do what I do and because Kate’s sales copy was compelling and spoke directly to me. I felt heard and understood and the price was right. I jumped right in because my gut told me. I thought if she can speak so directly to me and make it such a no-brainer to join then I would like some of that for my own business, thank you very much.

Strangely and unexpectedly, one of the gifts from this work came from having to surrender and allow myself to trust Kate and the process. I felt in such unknown territory that really there was no choice but to let go. So I did. And the alchemy of that still astounds me. Right up until the last second of the final session ‘my story and how to tell it’ was still working its way through the ether and into being. My trust in Kate paid off and I’m so relieved to have finally made sense of my mad life and all that’s happened in it in a way that can be shared. I can’t recommend Kate Wolf highly enough if you need a doula to get your story out!

If the words speak to you – do it! It’s the best money you will ever spend.

~ Inger Madsen

Energy Psychology Therapist

What I have discovered is, when you speak from your Wild Voice, people lean in

When you lead with Vision and Purpose, you’re not just selling anymore, you’re serving. 

When you share your soul story, your just-right Clients recognise you, resonate with you, and are ready to pay you.



 Become a Beacon for your Soul Clients

with Kate Wolf 

A self-paced, self-led online course through five training modules


Payment plan also available! 

Do you find your words catching in your throat?

Do you stop yourself from saying what you really think, in case someone disagrees?

Or maybe you don’t even know what you think because you can see ALL the perspectives!

    During StorySchool, you will: 


    ✨ Discover the specific story that will attract the clients that are ready and wanting the next evolution of your work.

    ✨ Know how to spice up marketing copy with story and emotion so that your business writing beams with personality.

     ✨ Understand how to land a point with story, how to use story in your Facebook lives to be more engaging…plus how to make ANY story more vivid, colourful and personable.

     ✨ Hone your vision and beckon your soul clients by inviting them into the world that your work is creating – start creating the change you dream of with your words.

     ✨ And, find the courage you need to speak up and share your voice and your story.

      Here’s what you will receive as part of StorySchool:

      • Access to the StorySchool curriculum, and Kate’s transformative process, to work through in your own time and at your own pace.
      • An Opening Circle Meditation to help you prepare for your journey and create a safe, supportive container for your work within StorySchool.
      • Guided ‘Homeplay’ exercises as part of each module to help you hone your vision and craft, refine and then share your story.

      You’ll also be supported with three BONUS magical guides

      • How to use the senses and the emotions for optimum engagement
      • Where to share your story for impact and business growth 
      • How to get glowing story testimonials 

      PLUS, you’ll also receive the following additional bonuses:

      BONUS #1

      A bonus training from Louise Miller, productivity mentor, called ‘Planning for Story Success’ – a step by self-caring step planning session towards story mastery.

      BONUS #2

      A powerful limitation release process to transform hardships into learnings and resource you with powerful Archetypal energies.


      Meet your StoryGuide! 

      Hi, I’m Kate Wolf, Founder of Spirited Business, Creator of Mesmerise and a leading voice in the growing movement of how to build a business as a highly sensitive woman. In the sliding doors version of my life, I would have followed family tradition and repetitive nudges and become an Oxford scholar and a lawyer. Instead, I decided to forge my own path. Following my seeker-soul, I immersed myself in the world of spirituality, healing, creativity and personal development.

      I became a certified coach and personal development trainer, studied therapeutic play at the Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education, worked as an intuitive energy healer and spent at least ten thousand hours studying and teaching yoga and meditation. This unconventional path led me to teach report writing to the Ministry of Finance of Laos, yoga on the roof of a school, and theatre on an NGO in Cambodia. 

      Forever fascinated by Purpose, it took a long time for me to admit that my Purpose is to help others to find theirs. I specifically work with highly sensitive beings who are hiding their magical gifts. Because imagine how different the world will be when THOSE voices – intuitive, creative, caring, wise – are leading the way.  

      As a trusted spiritual teacher, I lovingly guide sensitive women to let go of other people’s opinions and connect to their real dreams, so they can follow their inner GPS to wild success. I would love to be your guide for StorySchool, to help you find the story your clients need to hear, and the courage to tell it. 




      I was always nervous and worried talking about my passion, because I work with people who are vulnerable and need to be approached in a sensitive way. I could never really find my authentic voice to deliver the important message that I knew I needed to, in order to reach the people that needed to hear it.

      I joined the course understanding that it would help me to connect more authentically with my audience and to reflect my values through the stories I tell. One of the biggest surprises for me has been the self-development aspect of this journey. I’d never really understood how storytelling could have such a profound effect on your development and growth. Being able to see my life through all these wonderful stories that I tell now has been very rewarding, healing and enables me to express my inherent creativity.

      Thank you for creating such a wonderful, transformational business.

      ~ Augustina Tetsola

      ‘StorySchool really was transformational for me. I have previously worked with marketeers around ‘my story’ but this reached a depth I had not been able to access before.  It was a journey of faith and being expertly guided and held through the sessions, in a very unique way, was the missing piece that got me to the place deep down my heart knew it wanted to be.

      ~ Nina Galley

      I joined StorySchool because I needed to connect more deeply to why I do the work I do, so I can talk about it in a meaningful way and with greater confidence and ease. I don’t enjoy being the focus of attention, so have never felt comfortable talking about myself, what I do or why I do it. Connecting more deeply with the purpose and the vision behind my work was very helpful, and understanding why sharing my own journey is such a valuable tool. Kate’s guidance and the support of the group helped me to transform what started out as a ‘blah’ story (if you can even call it that!) into something engaging and compelling. I definitely couldn’t have done that on my own. I feel much more confident about it, and can see why it’s important for people to hear it. There are elements of my story that I’m still unsure about sharing, but exploring those was valuable nonetheless, and now I have the tools I need to work on this some more on my own. My only objection was around the time commitment. But I chose to make attending the sessions a priority, and am very pleased that I did! If you struggle finding the words to talk about what you do, the StorySchool is a safe, nurturing space to explore. Kate creates a beautiful space for people to share, and the whole experience of connecting in with your vision, values and purpose feels deeply nourishing.

      And! I added some of my story to my About Page and then shared it in a facebook group to ask for feedback. The leader of the group read it and then promptly invited me to speak at a telesummit she’s running later this year! Proof if proof were needed that this story-telling shizzle works!

      ~ Louise Miller

      Bettylou Online




      Ready to claim your power, honour your gifts and speak straight from your soul, telling the story only you can tell?

      Everyone has a story to tell. What’s yours?




       Become a Beacon for your Soul Clients

      with Kate Wolf 

      A self-paced, self-led online course through five training modules.

      If you want to understand your soul purpose and be ready to tell it through story – no more excruciating and boring networking introductions for you, just flow and ease –  join StorySchool now:


      Payment plan also available! 




      I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone! Everything was amazing. Kate taught me writing techniques which I have found very useful for any kind of writing, but also getting in alignment with your heart to write from your soul’s purpose. I had never imagined I would use this as a ‘tool’ in business, so this was transformational for me. During the course I also learned to get past that resistance to write…this was phenomenal. It’s woken something up in me – a desire to write more.

      ~ Valdirene Ruston

      Women's Life Coach

      Kate is a gifted guide and mentor who holds clear and consistent boundaries whilst intuitively guiding each participant towards their next stage of development.

      ~ Emily Phillips

      Embodied Voice Coach

      I joined StorySchool to give me focus, accountability and new skills to tell more stories in my business – both for promotional and teaching purposes. Sometimes I remembered to tell stories in my business, but not consistently. The main challenge was around having accountability to focus and get this done. I was clear on my ‘why’, but exploring my ‘why me’ and creating new stories relating to my current business were less developed. Connecting up my creative writing skills as a poet with becoming a beacon for my soul client was really helpful. I had these skills, but hadn’t been using them consistently in my business. This course helped me to join the dots. I very much resonated with the focus on empathy to create connection, trust, intimacy. The course helped me to write a new story about my sensitivity as a child, going beyond just shyness to connect with the challenges of that and how it contributed to my invisibility patterns. It’s really valuable to find ways of sharing your message that connect and create engagement and resonance in your ideal clients. Kate shares simple but powerful processes in a step-by-step way that makes it easy to access, amplify and share your stories.

      ~ Rionach Aiken






      The thing is, it takes courage to tell the truth.

      We are schooled in subtle lies, holding back, staying safe by keeping quiet. 

      But what I’ve seen again and again with my clients is there comes a time when the pain of this kind of misalignment becomes stronger than the fear of speaking up. 

      That’s when they become willing to speak the truth; in business and life. 

      Something unleashes itself in them and the words – pure, golden, come pouring out. 

      Words that heal. 

      Words that reveal. 

      Words that lead them home. 


      That’s what I want for you. 


      StorySchool Testimonials

      Through six rounds of StorySchool, I’ve guided over 50 women through the journey. In the videos below, two of our StorySchool alumni share their experiences of working through the programme – and how they found the process of learning to speak and share their truth.

         Augustina’s story 

         Louise’s story 

      You can put your work in pretty wrapping and try to figure out in your head what your work is about. For a few more years.

      Or you can join me on the journey of finding the courage to tell the world what it’s really about. 

      However weird, wacky, unconventional, pioneering or intangible it might be. 

      As far as I’m concerned? The weirder the better. 

      And if you’re ready to dig for your story, and start sharing your real work, and attracting clients ready for the next evolution of your work, join me for StorySchool. 

      This training is designed to get you in touch with a deeper level of what your work is really about. So you can talk about that in a way that moves people – emotionally; and into action. Action that looks like engaging with your posts. Buying your services. Joining your movement. 

      You will no longer need boring elevator pitches. Instead my goal for you is to have people lean in, saying – tell me more… 

      This is what happens when you learn how to talk about your work with the same amount of passion as you have for actually doing it! 

      This is what happens when you let your Wild Voice tell its story…

      Unapologetic. Courageous. Compelling. 




       Become a Beacon for your Soul Clients

      with Kate Wolf 

      A self-paced, self-led online course through five training modules


      Payment plan also available!