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How to Set Yourself Up for Success… Without Burning out
When it’s time for an uplevel in your business, it’s also time for an uplevel in your Self-Care. Stronger boundaries. More relaxation. MORE (not less!) time off. Gandhi said: ‘I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one’ That...
Easy VS Easeful
Let's talk easy VS easeful. EASY = anyone can do it; it requires no thought, sort of like making pot noodles. By definition OK in an emergency but not particularly nourishing. Perhaps filling, but not fulfilling. Easy to me is get-rich-quick, flash-in-the-pan income....
Finding your Wild Voice
I have the incredible honour of helping entrepreneurs discover their unique magic and turn it into profitable, heart-centred businesses. How do I do it? Through the power of messaging, storytelling, and, most importantly, the wild beating heart of their own voice. The...
Explore my most recent post below…
How to Set Yourself Up for Success… Without Burning out
When it’s time for an uplevel in your business, it’s also time for an uplevel in your Self-Care.
Stronger boundaries. More relaxation. MORE (not less!) time off.
Gandhi said: ‘I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one’
That guy was onto something…
The world of entrepreneurs at the moment is very full with people talking about stepping up. ‘Take your business to the next level!’ ‘10x your productivity!’ ‘’Be the Best You!’
But behind the scenes (and their laptops) there are a lot of self-employed people reaching critical levels of exhaustion.
I wonder…
Is trying to be ‘better’ a mountain we’ll never see the top of?
Is trying to be the ‘best you’ a competition we’ll never win? A comparison with an imaginary version of ourselves, perfectly positioned to beat ourselves up with? Clever marketing tapping into our ‘not good enough’ beliefs?
I speak to self-employed people all the time who are exhausted from trying to keep up with the perfect picture they’ve crafted on social media. Exhausted and knowing they have so much more to share.
Are you tired of spending all day pretending to be something you’re not?
Tired of feeling like you’ve got to just..keep…going?
And, driven by a really honest desire to create change in the world?
Before you think about stepping up, consider stepping in…
People buy from people they trust, and we can’t trust someone unless we can feel them, connect with them on some level.
It’s an energetic and emotional thing. So if you are closed off, trying to prove you know it all, you may actually be turning away your ideal customers.
So, here are some gentle reminders that will help you:
Three ways to step up without burning out
Take the Shoulds awaaaay from the steering wheel.
You know when you’re all lit up and you’re attracting opportunities like crazy and everything is flowing?
Shoulds are the opposite of that. They stop the flow, get you confused, tied in knots and wasting time and they dampen down your passion and your light.
Shoulds can be sneaky and show up as ‘good’ thoughts like ‘I don’t want to let people down’… but you’ll recognise them by the way they feel in your body- heavy, dull, draining.
And remember – doing what’s in your Highest Good is always (though it might not look, seem or feel like it at the time) for others Highest Good too.
When it comes to business, you can have the most fancypants biz model in the world and be following all the rules, but if your energy isn’t aligned with it, it won’t work.
What you’ll be putting out in the world, maybe even spending lots of money to put out into the world, is heavy, dull, draining energy. And that’s not attractive.
So – what are you planning in your business model or marketing that makes you feel heavy, dull, drained? Either… there’s something in your energy field that’s in the way that you need to clear first to be able to move forward easefully. Or, it’s the wrong tactic for you. Cross it off!
Spend more time not knowing
Like a child, be curious. Create space – both in your head and in your schedule. When you make room for stillness, you allow new insights and ideas to surface.
The best inspiration often arrives in the moments when you stop forcing it. If you feel stuck, step away. Go for a walk. Take a deep breath. From that space, you just might find the idea that’s been waiting for you to listen.
Speak your Truth.
Self Expression is one of the greatest and more free-ing forms of Self-Care… and it’s a great marketing tool too!
Have you noticed how much energy it takes to NOT say what you’re thinking?
To hold back your truth, in case you offend?
Honestly, how much time a day do you spend worrying about what other people think… and you know you have no control over that right!
The thing is, when you put your energy first – after all, you are your best asset – and dare to speak your truth, that’s when everything flows.
Do you want the secret to success?
Fun, fulfilling, sustainable success?
There’s no slick get-rich-quick 7 steps for this – apologies. But if there was a formula, it would be this:
Self-Care + Unapologetic Self-Expression = True & Lasting Success (inside and out)