Let’s talk easy VS easeful.
EASY = anyone can do it; it requires no thought, sort of like making pot noodles.
By definition OK in an emergency but not particularly nourishing. Perhaps filling, but not fulfilling. Easy to me is get-rich-quick, flash-in-the-pan income. It’s important to note there’s nothing wrong with easy. In our society we still value working hard so it’s, ahem, easy to judge easy. There’s nothing morally wrong with easy.
But in the context of building a business? I don’t think it’s the right word.
There’s nothing EASY about figuring out what to offer, in what order, using which systems, at what time, for whom, how to reach your ideal clients, keep your accounts and audit trail in order, etc!
Easy was the job I had at my first boyfriend’s dad’s factory stuffing envelopes. I didn’t have to think about anything. I didn’t have to think about ANY THING! I was SO BORED. Turns out: I like a challenge.
Are you the same?
Have you got a degree if not multiple degrees?
Or do you consider yourself a life-long learner?
Do you LOVE having your mind expanded with new concepts?
Are you happy to watch a webinar or read a book on a Friday night?
Then you, sweet friend, were not built for easy, however good you may sometimes think it sounds.
EASEFUL, however, I highly recommend.
Easeful happens when you iterate your role over and over again, effectively firing yourself as often as you can from any tasks you are not wonderful at or do not love.
For instance, I fired myself from doing my tax-return, and hired an accountant. I fired myself from managing the day-to-day behind-the-scenes activity required and hired a VA – who then got ‘fired’ herself and promoted to Business Manager. Working in your unique zone of magic – that is how it gets easeful.
I remember having a light-bulb moment listening to Danielle LaPorte say that she gets to have an idea, tell her team, and her team make it happen.
I thought ‘I want that!’ It took years, but now I have it. Of course, as I fire myself from roles and fill them with other people, it doesn’t mean less work for me, in fact it means more work for me, but it’s work that grows my business and it’s work I really want to do.
It’s more of my real work – coaching, guiding, training, and shining ie. being the front-person ‘out there’ on stages both solid and virtual. Which isn’t ‘easy’.
That is – not everyone can do it (well). But because it harnesses my natural gifts and because I’ve put in years of study and practice and reflection and refining – I can now press ‘go’ and go live, or turn up for a Business Mastermind session with my Mesmerise clients and know I can do a good job. I’m not struggling against the current – I’m going with it; with my own flow. And it’s easeful.
The confusion may come from the fact that when someone is so in their flow – and has practiced and reflected and refined – it looks easy. So from the outside looking in we think- oh it ‘should’ be easy if I’ve found my magic. That’s a harmful understanding. Like any skill, it takes time, care, and proper training.
It won’t feel easy. It’s not meant to.
That’s why I advocate easeful over easy.
Easeful comes with practice. Easeful comes from reflecting on your role and making changes based on experience and lessons learnt. This process will lead to success, but success requires work, focus, discipline, courage and risk-taking. It requires falling over 7 times and getting up 8. But when you get up that 8th time and you take a deep breath and you lean back- you’ll find you’re carried.
That’s where easeful lives.
If you want easeful, it starts with getting clear on what makes you uniquely unique – and how to communicate that.
Tuning in to your Wild Voice™ is one of the most direct and powerful ways I know to get really clear on what you want to say. Find out more and try it out with the Wild Voice Bundle here: https://www.katewolf.global/wildvoice/