I had a fascinating coaching session with a new client last week. A coach herself and highly trained in many modalities, she is quick on the uptake and very insightful. She saw about half way in to our second session that her desire for growth is getting in the way of her creativity.


Because, EVEN THOUGH she knows it isn’t necessary, she has been waiting to grow more before she shares more of herself.

EVEN THOUGH she is actually here to call bull on the shiny shit (we discovered that in our first session), a part of her is still waiting.

It comes down to this:

Because of her love of growth – and I get it – it’s one of my top values – her focus has been on growth. Hence the multiple certificates. Hence the years of therapy. And the resulting deep knowing of herself.

But she doesn’t need to grow more before she shares.

She doesn’t have to work through all her quirks before she writes.

(In fact, that would be a BAD idea and probably make her less relatable!)

She doesn’t have to have all parts of her inner-world perfectly aligned and heading in the same direction.

She just has to sit down and write.

Which she’s now doing.

How about you?

Are you waiting to be ‘perfect’ before you create something?

Waiting to ‘work through your stuff’ before you share your true self?

The magical thing is that through writing, you do become whole. If you write from your deep down true self, and dare to share it, you get to have what you’ve always wanted.

Click here to tweet: “The magical thing is that through writing, you do become whole. If you write from your deep down true self, and dare to share it, you get to have what you’ve always wanted” ~ @KateWolfTweets

To be seen, and heard, for who you really are.

That’s true intimacy. True connection.

And that, is how we heal.

So, are you too doing things in the wrong order? Is it time to just create? From where you’re currently standing, sitting or lying? No more healing needed. Knowing that healing – wholeness – is on the other side of being as honest, brave and vulnerable as it takes to share who you really are.

Photo Credit: Nikola Jovanovic

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