by Kate Wolf | Sep 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dear brilliantly sensitive business-owner… That feeling of frustration you have when you see people saying things you already know. Oh I know that feeling so well! And sometimes there’s a shallowness or empty-ness to those words – you just know you...
by Kate Wolf | Feb 15, 2019 | Events, Self-Care, Self-Expression, Soul-Work
Last year I had the whole-body-on-edge experience of hearing my business-bestie, Sophie Jane Mortimer, interview an amazing woman called Elaine Wilkins. And I’m so glad that I did because the information Elaine shared woke something up inside me and now I get...
by Kate Wolf | Oct 22, 2018 | Creativity, Freedom, Life, Self-Care, Self-Expression, Soul-Work, Writing
Is your Spiritual Practice an Addiction? A few weeks ago I saw this meme on facebook: ‘Once you connect with yourself, it is impossible to feel lonely or desperate’ ~ Bryant McGill What do you think? True or false? My first response was laughter. ‘Ahhh, the naivety of...