by Kate Wolf | Feb 23, 2016 | Adventure, Creativity, Freedom, Life, Self-Expression, Travel, Writing
Seven years ago I was living in Laos teaching English to a motley crew of classes ranging from super-cute six-year olds (mostly called ‘Lucky’ and ‘Cookie’) to the Ministry of Finance (they were the worst students by far). Whenever I walked anywhere, the lined-up...
by Kate Wolf | Feb 9, 2016 | Adventure, Freedom, Self-Expression, Travel, Writing
As some of you know, I’m writing this from Thailand. The decision to come here was pretty quick… though if you look at it another way you could say it took 7 years. Yes I’ve been before, but this time, it’s not really about Thailand. I know...
by Kate Wolf | Oct 18, 2015 | Adventure, Freedom, Life, Self-Expression, Writing
My move to the wilderness just got referred to as a ‘young life crisis’. Hmmm. It got me thinking. Why is it only acceptable to leave your job, drop everything and buy a porsche / head off into the wilderness (whatever your version of freedom looks like) at mid-life,...
by Kate Wolf | Aug 12, 2015 | Life, Self-Care, Self-Care for the Wild Woman, Yoga
I’ve started asking a really specific question to women who come to me to talk about self-care. Most of us understand that there are often psychological blocks to taking care of ourselves – a fear of being seen as selfish, for example (yup, I know that one very...
by Kate Wolf | Jun 30, 2015 | Self-Care, Self-Care for the Wild Woman, Yoga
Yogis are famous for their morning routines. It’s a favourite topic of mine… but maybe not for the reasons you think. I often get asked if I do yoga every morning. The answer? If, by yoga, you mean rolling out my mat and getting sweaty – absolutely not. If, by...